MDW Adwords Table Spec: fact_vendor_cost_adwords_campaign_conversion_type_split
Why is it important? Adwords data pulled from adwords api at campaign level with conversion type information. 1, 7 or 30 day attribution window based metrics available.
Term | Definition | Datatype |
date | Date | Date |
campaign_id | campaign ID | String(1000) |
campaign_name | Campaign | String(1000) |
Conversions | Conversions | Amount(1000) |
conversion_value | Total conv. value | Amount(1000) |
cross_device_conversions | Cross-device conv. | Amount(1000) |
view_through_conversions | View-through conv. | Amount(1000) |
all_conversions | All conv. | Amount(1000) |
all_conversion_value | All conv. value | Amount(1000) |
account_descriptive_name | Account | String(1000) |
external_customer_id | Customer ID | String(1000) |
advertising_channel_type | Advertising Channel | String(1000) |
labels | Labels1 | String(1000) |
conversion_type_name | Conversion name | String(1000) |
conversion_category | Conversion category | String(1000) |
batch_id | Batch ID | String(1000) |
advertising_channel_sub_type | Adv. Channel Sub Type | String(1000) |
days_to_conversion | Days To Conversion | String(1000) |